Partnership Duration
(in years)
Construction Projects
Facility Maintenance Requests
Warranty Call Backs
Taking Responsibility – No finger pointing
Conway Freight:
No one is perfect, we all know that when it comes to construction and maintenance of commercial and or that matter residential properties. NM&C has had had a hiccup from time to time, however when this happens they take responsibility and do what it takes to make it right. When an NM&C vendor decided to install a hot water heater at one of our location without authorization (to make matters worse the hot water heater could have been repaired) NM&C did not change us a penny … not a penny even when a bill in the equivalent to a repair was warranted.
Communication is Key – Always know where you are with a project
Conway Freight:
NM&C communication is excellent. As per a conversation with the owner of NM&C “my customers should never have to ask where a project stands, as a service company we should always keep our customers up to date no matter what.” I cant tell you how important this is to me as after all as a Facility / Construction Manager I have hundreds of projects I touch per month and without such great communication it would be a full time job just to ask for updates.
Management Team – There is no “I” in TEAM
Conway Freight:
The NM&C Project Management team really does work as a team. This team effort rolls both up and down hill and makes working with NM&C a complete pleasure!
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We had such a positive experience with NM&C that we now use them as our contractor of choice across the nation. I have personally worked with NM&C on many projects (remodels, additions, facilities, etc.) I believe one of the most important criteria in selecting a contractor is ‘do you trust them.’ I cannot think of one time I thought NM&C was making a decision that was in their best interest and not ours.